Timp de preparare:
15 min (complexitate redusa)
Pentru 2 persoane:
1 ceapa mica, 1 ardei gras, 4 rosii mari, sare,
piper, 2 oua, 1 lingura de ulei
Mod de preparare:
Ceapa se curata si se taie marunt. Ardeiul gras se curata de seminte si se taie in fisii. Se incinge uleiul in tigaie, se adauga ceapa si se prajeste un minut, pina devine un pic sticloasa. Se adauga ardeiul gras si se prajeste inca un minut.
Rosiile se curata de coaja si se maruntesc. Se adauga peste ceapa si ardeiul din tigaie. Se pune sarea si piperul si se prajeste totul timp de 5-6 minute, pina cind rosiile sint moi si continutul tigaii a inceput usor sa fiarba.
Se sparg ouale pe deasupra si nu se mai amesteca. Cind ouale sint facute, se imparte in doua si se servesc pe farfurie cu oul in sus.
Turkish Menemen(2 servings)
* 2 small tomatos
* 1 small bell peper
* 1 spicy pepper
* 1 onion (optional)
* 4 - 5 pitted and diced olives (optional
* 1 tbsp olive oil
* 4 - 5 eggs
Peel and cube tomatos. Then cube other ingredients (fine) and sautee in small pre-heated skillet with olive oil until slightly wilted (don't totally kill the crunch!)then over low heat crack eggs into the skillet and scramble in the skillet cooking until eggs are fairly firm but the entire dish is slightly moist due to the vegetable juices.
This is probably the most popular egg dish in Turkey and certainly the most popular one that can be made without uniquely Turkish ingredients that could be hard to find. Try it, and I think you'll like it, but it's guaranteed to taste better with the Mediterranean or the Bosphorus over your shoulder, so come to Turkey for the original.